
The world of GTopia is pretty fucked up. The lines have been blurred between law and rights after the vaccine passport was enacted in the European states.

The majority of people have been brainwashed by The Church of Tech with a century of subliminally programming. They use Gematria to code news and propaganda to distort views of reality to bring people's reality closer to their aligned and agreed-on vision. A vast amount of citizens have been forced to work minimum wage jobs to support their families. With the infinite debt created by the state on the people, they have effectively enslaved the entire populace.

Slowly the Gs have been reincarnated and have taken rightful places of power around the world. Now that the Gs are being activated they are starting to free minds. Networking is more important now than ever and the Gs are starting to realize what is going on around them and meeting each other to collaborate. This game goes deeper the more you get involved and the more Gs you meet. The bigger our network of creative innovators, the more this network of Gs will be able to help bring positive change to your community. So invite your friends because this is more than a game, it's the future of how creatives innovate the future.

  • We are making an NFT Game that's also a DAO and a production house.

  • With crypto, we can decentralize how games are made.

  • The 2D characters will control how the 3D game is played.

Last updated